Women’s and Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Women’s bodies can change significantly across their lifespan, from menstruation, to antenatal, post natal, menopause and beyond. 

Our pelvic health physiotherapist treats a range of different conditions and women of all ages, from all walks of life and is passionate about keeping women doing what they love. 

We perform a thorough assessment of not just the pelvis, but the body as a whole to ascertain the root cause of your problem, and develop a specific plan aimed at helping you achieve your goals, whether that be exercise specific or just to live without discomfort.

What do we treat?

  • Pregnancy related conditions (Back pain, Pelvic girdle pain, pubic symphysis pain, carpal tunnel etc)

  • Post natal concerns (Mastitis, pelvic floor rehabilitation, cesarean scar rehabilitation, ab separation)

  • Bladder/bowel dysfunctions

  • Prolapse

  • Pelvic pain, hip pain or back pain

  • Sexual dysfunctions or pain 

  • Musculoskeletal injuries and concerns 

  • Exercise during pregnancy 

  • Exercise prescription for health ageing

We understand talking about pelvic health can be uncomfortable for most women, we have specific private treatment rooms and a welcoming space, as we strive to make you feel as comfortable as possible and treat you with the utmost sensitivity and respect.